The Mold Prevention Process Mold prevention is more complicated than just throwing in a few fans and drying the carpet. Mold cannot grow on synthetic materials such as nylon carpet unless some sort of organic material(drywall, wood, etc.) is present. Drying a structure for mold prevention does require personnel with a complete understanding of psychrometry (the study of moisurture in the air and how it relates to heat and dehumidification), low-grain, or desiccant dehumidification, and rates of evaporation.
However, if water damage has been overlooked and any discoloration has grown to a level of concern, your All Clear Restoration of Maryland technicians have been cross-trained by the IICRC and are certified in Advanced Microbial Remediation Technicians (AMRT) to handle mold remediation as a required part of their water damage restoration training. In some cases we will bring in an outside Certified Industrial Hygenist to take samples and using labratory equipment determine exactly what we are dealing with. They will also create for us a specifically designed protocol to follow in order to return your home to its pre remediation condition.
Therefore, you can be confident that our mold prevention specialists always have your best interests in mind.